Monday 4 November 2013

Initial Designs

Our digital adaptation of the Lincoln Library was based off the actual building, using the most iconic view of the Library. This features the glass box meeting room and the warehouse design, with the use of colours and shading to enhance the structure and dimension of the building, whilst allowing it to remain a simple design.

Here is the design for the main character. Some inspiration has been drawn off the main character from a game called "Limbo", with a block colour which also heavily influenced the eye design. The hair was modeled off a real person, with the rest of the body designed to look slouchy and informal. The backpack was used to portray a more educational feel to the character.

Here is the design for the pigeon which we plan on using for the Inter Library Loans scene. It was designed from a combination of chicken wing images to exaggerate the feathers, and pigeon images for the general body shape. The feathers help to distinguish the creature and make it stand out.

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