Monday 4 November 2013


Here are the introductory scenes we have drafted out. To develop the storyboard, all the initial drawings were created on post-it notes in order to help with arranging the scenes to develop a smooth story flow. The intro scene involves our main character approaching an intimidating library building. In correlation with the scripted narration, the scene dramatically changes and the library is seen as welcoming and approachable.

The second scene transitions into a classroom to demonstrate workshops that are run by the library. Various characters appear to demonstrate the points being discussed in the narration, whilst the main character is quizzical and then enlightened from the information.

The third scene shows the main character attempting to use Find It at Lincoln. He is shown typing in key words to the search engine, and then swiftly becomes drowned with the information overload. He then proceeds to narrow down his search results, which is portrayed by him pulling the "plug", leaving him with the key information he was searching for.

The fourth scene is demonstrating databases and key sources, in the forms of graphs for statistical data and newspapers for journals and news articles. The character is shown riding a roller-coaster, using a line graph as the track as he flies through the sources. He is then seen holding a news article when he reaches the end of the line.

The fifth scene demonstrates Inter Library Loans. A pigeon is showed flying from a library from another location, carrying a book our character was unable to find at Lincoln. The book is delivered to him at the Library via the pigeon, acting as a metaphor for Inter Library Loans.

The final scene demonstrates the vacation schemes, and how if you travel you can still have access to libraries and their resources from elsewhere. The character is shown being transported via taxi from the Library to a city in another location. The scene then ends with a question and some useful contact information.

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